Prof. Dr. Sabine Le Borne
Technische Universität Hamburg
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude E
Raum: 3.053
Tel.: +49 40 42878-3874
Fax: +49 40 42731 4318
E-Mail: leborne"AT"
Sabine Le Borne is heading the Department of Numerical Mathematics of TUHH. Her research interests lie in numerical linear algebra, numerical solution of partial differential equations, hierarchical matrices, iterative solvers for large equation systems, kernel-based approximation methods and the transfer of mathematical methods to science and engineering. At TUHH, she has been a member of the Faculty Board of the School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics since 2013 and served as chair of the examination board of the study program B.Sc in Technomathematics since its inception in 2012. She is an associate editor of the SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis (2013-2018).