Computational Astro- and Particle Physics (CDL1)
Head of CDL1: Prof. Dr. Peter Schleper, Dr. Frank Gaede
In Hamburg we have established very active collaborations between particle physics, astroparticle physics and astronomy. What these areas have in common is that they address topics, such as Dark Matter, Dark Energy, phase transitions in the early universe and cosmic rays.
Advances in particle and astrophysics are often based on experiments at large facilities such as, for example, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN or astronomical observatories that survey the sky in optical, X-ray and radio wavelengths. With scientists from Hamburg in key positions, these facilities along with future projects belong to the most prolific suppliers of scientific data. Progress will depend on our ability to transform big data into knowledge.
Here we will rely on the methodological overlaps between our disciplines to develop interdisciplinary tools with which we turn huge, often irreversible data streams into physics.
Involved Research Groups
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Borras, DESY, Teilchenphysik
Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen, Universität Hamburg, Hamburger Sternwarte
Dr. Frank Gaede, DESY, Teilchenphysik
JProf. Dr. Francesco de Gasperin, Universität Hamburg, Hamburger Sternwarte
Prof. Dr. Gregor Kasieczka, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik
Prof. Dr. Peter Schleper, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik
Associated Research Groups
Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee, Universität Hamburg, Hamburger Sternwarte
Dr. Torben Ferber, DESY, Teilchenphysik
Prof. Dr. Johannes Haller, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Experimentalphysik
Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske, Universität Hamburg, Hamburger Sternwarte